- published
- 2013-07-01
- reference
- Yi-Qing Wang, The Implementation of SURE Guided Piecewise Linear Image Denoising, Image Processing On Line, 3 (2013), pp. 43–67. https://doi.org/10.5201/ipol.2013.52
Communicated by Mauricio Delbracio
Demo edited by Yi-Qing Wang

This IPOL article is related to a companion publication in the SIAM
Journal on Imaging Sciences:
Y.Q. Wang and J.M. Morel.
"SURE Guided Gaussian Mixture Image Denoising."
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 6(2):999-1034, 2013.
SURE (Stein's Unbiased Risk Estimator) guided Piecewise Linear Estimation (S-PLE) is a recently introduced patch-based state-of-the-art denoising algorithm. In this article, we focus on its implementation and show its performance by comparing it with several other acclaimed algorithms.
- full text manuscript: PDF low-res. (922K) PDF (5.3M) [?]
- source code: TAR/GZ
- 2013-07-01: original publication - manuscript, source code
- 2013-07-11: bugfix in file
line 1201 to handle low noise correctly - Note from the editor: the manuscript of the article was modified on 2022-01-01 to include information about its editors. The original version of the manuscript is available here.