Random phase texture synthesis
using ./random_phase_noise"
This source code is an ANSI C implementation of the random phase noise texture synthesis algorithm describes in the IPOL webpage Random Phase Texture Synthesis.
The last release should be available at <http://www.ipol.im/pub/algo/ggm_random_phase_texture_synthesis/>.
This code is provided with an HTML documentation produced by doxygen <http://www.ipol.im/pub/algo/ggm_random_phase_texture_synthesis/srcdoc/>.
Execute the provided Makefile (function make).
Usage: (displayed in executing ./random_phase_noise -h)
random_phase_noise -r ratio -x nxout -y nyout -a alpha -s seed image_in.png image_out.png
Required parameters:
image_in.png : name of the input PNG image
image_out.png : name of the output PNG image
Optionnal parameters:
ratio : float > 1 that specifies the increase of size of image_out.png relatively to the size of image_in.png
nxout : int to specify the width of image_out.png. Must be greater than the width of image_in.png
nyout : int to specify the height of image_out.png. Must be greater than the height of image_in.png
alpha : float in (0,0.5) that specifies the proportion of the smoothing zone for the spot extension (alpha = 0.1 by default)
seed : unsigned int to specify the seed for the random number generator (seed = time(NULL) by default)
Test: To test the module run:
./random_phase_noise -s 1 sample.png output.png
output.png should be the same as the image sample_rpn.png provided with the source code.