IPOL Usage Report for 2010/09 - 2011/08

Statistics from differents sources are merged in the report hereafter, about IPOL usage between 2010/09 and 2011/08. Like all web statistics, there are some approximations, but they can give an order of magnitude. Of course, algorithms and demonstrations on-line since more than one year ago are more likely to get good numbers. The demo pages are very partially included in these numbers.


During this year, www.ipol.im received 75.000 visits (200 visits/day). This is 4 times the number of visits received in 2009. Half of the visits came from returning visitors. One third of the visits were long visits, with more than one page read (demo pages not counted).

30% of the visits came from USA, 14% from France, 11% from China, 5% from Germany, 3% from Russia, then Spain, Japan, Taiwan, UK, Italy, India, Brazil, Korea, Belgium, Switzerland, ...

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A list of more than 850 science, research and education institutions could be recognized in the network provenance of the IPOL visitors. There probably are some duplicate denominations, and some locations count for hundreds of visits while some others only generated one page view, but this list shows the visibility of IPOL in the research community.

Some visitors also came from prominent companies of the internet, media, graphics, electronics and publishing sector.

Algorithms and Downloads

The top 10 viewed algorithm pages were

  1. 22.000 my_affine_sift
  2. 12.000 gjmr_line_segment_detector
  3. 10.000 bcm_non_local_means_denoising
  4.   8.000 ags_algebraic_lens_distortion_estimation
  5.   5.500 lmps_retinex_poisson_equation
  6.   5.000 blmv_nonlinear_cartoon_texture_decomposition
  7.   5.000 lmps_simplest_color_balance
  8.   2.500 abmh_real_time_morphological_snakes_algorithm
  9.   2.500 m_quasi_euclidean_epipolar_rectification
  10.   2.500 g_image_interpolation_with_contour_stencils

4700 downloads (source code, programs and datasets) from IPOL were counted during this year. The top 10 files for unique downloads are

  1. 400 my_affine_sift/demo_ASIFT_src.zip
  2. 300 my_affine_sift/demo_ASIFT_Win.zip
  3. 220 gjmr_line_segment_detector/lsd-1.5.zip
  4. 200 bcm_non_local_means_denoising/nlmeansB.tar.gz
  5. 200 my_affine_sift/demo_ASIFT_src.tar.gz
  6. 130 ags_algebraic_lens_distortion_estimation/src.zip
  7. 100 my_affine_sift/dataset_Morel_Yu_09.zip
  8.   80 bcm_non_local_means_denoising/src.zip
  9.   80 lmps_retinex_poisson_equation/retinex_pde.tar.gz
  10.   70 ys_dct_denoising/src_demoDCTdenoising.tar.gz


12000 experiences were performed on the demos with original images. The top 10 archives with new data during this year are

  1. 4.300 my_affine_sift
  2. 2.200 gjmr_line_segment_detector
  3. 1.400 bcm_non_local_means_denoising
  4.    900 lmps_retinex_poisson_equation
  5.    700 ggm_random_phase_texture_synthesis
  6.    700 blmv_nonlinear_cartoon_texture_decomposition
  7.    600 lmps_simplest_color_balance
  8.    150 g_tv_denoising
  9.    150 g_image_interpolation_with_contour_stencils
  10.    150 g_interpolation_geometric_contour_stencils

We now (september 2011) have about 100 demo executions per day, including 50 with original data.


The dominant browser families are:

  1. 44% Firefox
  2. 31% Chrome/Safari
  3. 20% Internet Explorer

94% of the browsers have Flash, 81% have a Java plug-in.

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The main operating systems of our visitors are:

  1. 33% Windows XP
  2. 31% Windows 7
  3. 16% Linux
  4. 11% Mac OS