IPOL has been included in the Scopus citation database: https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100824667
IPOL Submission Procedure and manuscript and software guidelines have been been simplified. They are available at http://www.ipol.im/meta/submission/.
IPOL Software Guidelines have been updated. They are available at http://tools.ipol.im/wiki/ref/software_guidelines/.
The main change with respect to the previous version is that there have been removed the restrictions regarding the exclusive use of C code and the limitations on the size of uploaded files.
The Scopus Content Selection & Advisory Board has advised that IPOL will be accepted for inclusion in Scopus. The title will be loaded in Scopus as soon as the title and the content has been processed for indexing.
IPOL has been indexed in DOAJ (the Directory of Open Access Journals). DOAJ is an online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals.
IPOL will be at the Workshop on Reproducible Research on Pattern Recognition (WRRPR) in ICPR 2016. You're welcome to participate! More info here: https://wrrpr2016.sciencesconf.org/
Pascal Monasse presented IPOL during the RCBR Workshop of the NTMS conference in Paris. The talk was about the analysis of four years of development.
The associated IPOL article is available in the conference proceedings of the ntms conference:
Miguel Colom, Bertrand Kerautret, Nicolas Limare, Pascal Monasse, Jean-Michel Morel, "IPOL: a new journal for fully reproducible research; analysis of four years development", Proceedings of 7th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security.
From now on, IPOL will accept Matlab source code. Very soon, we will update the submission procedure accordingly. In the meantime authors are invited to submit their Matlab code and IPOL staff will assist them to prepare the Online DEMO
Jean-Michel Morel will be giving an invited lecture at Seoul ICM 2014, International Congress of Mathematicians, in the Mathematics in Science and Technology. This lecture will include a presentation of IPOL in relation with his research works.
During the next French congress on pattern recognition and artificial intelligence (RFIA2014,June 30 to July 4, Rouen), a workshop will focus on IPOL web demos, with tutorials and hand-on sessions. At the end of the day you should have a working web demo, usable to share your research with collaborators, seminar audience, conference comittee, etc. and/or be included with the other "IPOL Workshops".
You can submit your project until June 10th.
The 8th Saclay CSIS meeting (Farman Institute, ENS Cachan, on March 20th) will include a presentation of IPOL.
The IPOL community is working on more than what becomes public in the IPOL Journal as preprints or articles: original algorithms, early code, experimental interfaces, ... We would like to show it and allow early public testing and feedback.
So the IPOL editorial committee recently decided to introduce IPOL workshops. These workshops are informally released by their authors, out of the journal publishing process. They are not reviewed, not controled by the editorial committee. They will probably be updated without notice. Some will appear, some will disappear, and some could end up being submitted and published in the IPOL Journal.
These workshops, a view of the work in progress in the community, are accessed by the "WORKSHOPS" link added to the top menu on every page of our website.
GFII, French group of Scientific Information specialists, is organizing on February 11th a workshop on "research data and scientific publishing". IPOL will be introduced in a session about researcher's needs.
The next edition of the workshop held at ENSG (French National School of Geographical Sciences) will be on "Free Software and Geomatics". IPOL has been invited to this event for a conference about "Free Software, Open Access and Reproducible Research", February 10th on the ENSG campus (Marne la Vallée).
The future Paris-Saclay University is already preparing its e-learning strategy, and IPOL has been invited for qa testimony on onpen science and interactive publishing.
The IPOL editorial committee gathered on January 30th, to discuss about future developments of the journal. The meeting report is published hereafter.
ISIS, the CNRS group on signal, images and vision, is organizing a meeting on "Reproducibility in Signal and Image Processing" on January 16th at Telecom ParisTech, Paris. The program covers multiple aspects of the reproducibility via a software, a journal (IPOL), an evaluation campaign and a software company. Participation is free but registration is required.
Gabriele Facciolo is working on a stereo pipeline for satellite imagery at CMLA, ENS Cachan, and his work follows the IPOL model, with the source code and web demos available in the IPOL development space. He recently presented IPOL and his research during a seminar at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, on January 9th.
IPOL opens a special issue on Lens Distortion Models, managed by guest editors Luis Alvarez and Luis Gomez.
The IPOL demo service will be temporarily unavailable from 18:00
Nov. 28, Paris time, because of a planned maintenance operation on the
local network.
Service should resume from 10:30, Nov 29, Paris time.
- 11-29 15:00 (Paris time) - we just noticed the demo service was unavailable out of the local network; we are investigating the issue
- 11-29 15:15 (Paris time) - it seems to be a network configuration issue and we can not correct it ourself; we ask the network admins for a fix
- 11-29 17:45 (Paris time) - the network configuration has been corrected and the demo service is back online; it may take 15 min to propagate worldwide
The 7th Farman Day at Farman Institute, ENS Cachan November 26th, will include a plenary conference by Jean-Michel Morel on "The stakes of publishing algorithms online: introducing IPOL".
Enric Meinhardt presented the reproducible research goals of IPOL in a session on data sharing and science publishing on November 14th at the STEF lab semionar on information and communcation technologies in higher education: "Reproducible Research in Image Processing: the IPOL Example".
Bertrand Kerautret presented IPOL and its extensions to discrete geometry on November 14th at the LORIA workshop on computing and geometry: "IPOL Journal: Experiments on Discrete Geometry".
The IPOL Software Guidelines are a ser of requirements and recommendations on which software can be published in IPOL and how it should be prepared. On point in these guidelines is a list of software libraries that IPOL authors can expect to have on the host system, and which they can use in their code without including it with their submission.
These guidelines have been updated with the addition of two libraries widely used in numerical and scientific computing: the GNU Scientific Library and the Eigen library.
IPOL Software Guidelines — version 1.02
GNU Scientific Library
Eigen library
Nicolas Limare will be visiting the LIRIS laboratory in Lyon on October 11 for a presentation of IPOL at the LIRIS seminar: "IPOL, scientific publications with software and web demos".
Nicolas Limare will be at the FRéDoc 2013 meeting of the science&technology information and library professionals in Aussois (FR) on October 07-10. The meeting was focused on the management of research data, the we made a presentation of IPOL as "journal, software and experimental archives in applied maths".
Jean-Michel Morel will present IPOL in relation with reproducible research at the SMAI special 30 years meeting on massive online open courses and new models of research publications, on October 8th.
The IPOL group organizes a workshop from July 22 to 27, 2013, on Reproducible Research in Signal, Image and Geometric Processing.
The meeting will gather representatives of groups leading various initiatives toward reproducible research in those fields, by fostering online execution of research code, peer review evaluation of algorithms and code, and experimental data sharing.
The workshop should establish strong personal and institutional links, and advance on the technical issues: software, libraries, online execution, journal strategy, journal formatting, relation to community, institutional support, perennity.
More information on the workshop page.
Juliana Freire and her colleagues at NYU Poly work on provenance management and scientific workflow and created the VisTrails system to manage simulation, data exploration and visualization workflows.
They organize workshops on "Reproducibility in Science" and "Software Infrastructure for Reproducibility in Science" on May 29-31. Nicolas Limare will be there for IPOL to discuss what is to be reproduced and how we manage it in the field of image processing.
Rafael Grompone will be at the SMAI 2013 Congress, May 27th~31st, for a presentation of IPOL in the Minisymposium about Reproducible Research tools.
This symposium will "present software tools dedicated to collaborative work and the dissemination of scientific results".
SMAI 2013 (fr)
The IPOL demo service is temporarily unavailable from 10:00, Paris
time, because of an unexpected maintenance operation.
Service will be resumed as soon as possible.
- 10:00 (Paris time) - network problem detected; the demo service is replaced by an error page
- 12:30 - we are migrating the demo service to a backup server; no archive will be available and the performances may be downgraded
- 13:00 - the network seems to be up again, the demo service is switched back to the production server; the update may take up to 30 minutes to be visible from everywhere
- 15:30 - still experiencing network problems; once again, the demo service is moved to the backup server
- 05:00 (Tuesday) - some demos were not running correctly on the backup server; this should be corrected now
- 17:00 - the network seems to be up and stable; switching back to the production server
A maintenance operation on the local network used by some IPOL servers will be performed at 09:30 CET on Monday April 2013. I will last about 2 hours and the IPOL demo service will be unavailable. Other IPOL services, including the main website http://www.ipol.im/, will not be affected.
Nicolas Limare will be in Santiago, Chile, on April 15th for a presentation of IPOL as an example of "Reproducible Research in Computational Science".
The presentation is scheduled at 16:00 at the videoconference room, floor -1, CMM, Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Chile (FCFM UChile).
Software is an essential component of applied and computational sciences, but not included yet in the research publication workflow. Without implementations, one can not know all the fine details of an algorithm and accurately reproduce and verify previous scientific results. Therefore, publishing algorithms without their implementation doesn't satisfy the scientific method.
IPOL answers this problem for image processing. In this research journal, each article contains a text describing an algorithm and source code, with an online demonstration facility and an archive of online experiments. The text and source code are peer-reviewed and the demonstration is controlled.
After a short introduction to the Reproducible Research and Open Science background, we will explain why we need new publishing models like IPOL, how IPOL works, its benefits, and our plans for future development.
Gabriele Facciolo will be at the Oxford Future of Science conference "Rigour and Openness in 21st Century Science" for a presentation of IPOL in the "Beyond Traditional Articles" topic, on April 11th and 12th.
This two days conference is focused on one question: How will openness and digital innovation transform science in britain and worldwide? it is a follow-up to a panel debate that took place in February 2012 in Oxford, entitled "Evolution of Science: Open Science and the Future of Publishing".
Nicolas Limare will be presenting IPOL in the context of "Reproducible Research in Computational Science" and discussing related matters in Montevideo, Uruguay, on April 11th.
The presentation is scheduled at 14:00 at Software Laboratory, Institude of Electrical Engineering (IIE), Faculty of Engineering (Fing), University of the Republic (UdelaR).
announcement and details
Software is an essential component of applied and computational sciences, but not included yet in the research publication workflow. Without implementations, one can not know all the fine details of an algorithm and accurately reproduce and verify previous scientific results. Therefore, publishing algorithms without their implementation doesn't satisfy the scientific method.
For a repruducible computational research, software used in the elaboration of a research paper should, at least, be usable by referees, and if possible be publicly available in source form. Likewise, software development in research needs to be recognized and time and effort must be rewarded by scholarship standards.
IPOL answers these problems for image processing. In this research journal, each article contains a text describing an algorithm and source code, with an online demonstration facility and an archive of online experiments. The text and source code are peer-reviewed and the demonstration is controlled.
After a short introduction to the Reproducible Research and Open Science background, we will explain why we need new publishing models like IPOL, how IPOL works, its benefits, and our plans for future development.
One of the IPOL technical providers will perform a network upgrade during the night of 23-24 March 2013. This will impact the availability of the main IPOL website, http://www.ipol.im.
This intervention will start at 01:30 CET (00:30 GMT) on Sunday 24 March 2013, and is expected to be the cause for network interruptions for at least 15 mninutes and up to two hours.
Carlo de Franchis will be at the "Beyond the PDF 2" Conference in Amsterdam on March 19th~20th to present IPOL and our new publishing model, tool and standard.
"The Beyond the PDF conference brings together scholars, librarians, archivists, publishers and research funders in a lively forum to broaden awareness of current efforts and define the future of scholarly communication".
Rafael Grompone was at the So Data! conference in Saint-Mandé (Paris) on March 14th for a presentation of IPOL as an Open Science journal.
So Data! is "a conference focused on the evolution of scientific practices impulsed by open science data, a requirement for scientific reproducibility generating new research dynamics."
IPOL: a Research Journal Focused on Algorithms and Software
Algorithms, software and data are now essential to many research disciplines. The scientific tradition, however, keeps handling software as an optional supplement to papers, rarely provided and seldom verified. IPOL is an open access journal created to address this situation, aiming at Reproducible Research in the fields of computer vision and image processing. IPOL encourages the publication of detailed algorithms and software by rewarding the researchers with peer reviewed publications. A source code is provided by the authors for every algorithm; it is reviewed and becomes part of the publication. Additionally, a web interface allows anonymous users to test the algorithms online. This presentation will introduce IPOL, discussing its main aspects and showing some examples.
Nicolas Limare will be at the Free and Open source Software Developers' European Meeting (FOSDEM) in Bruxelles on February 2 & 3 for a presentation about "Software as Science" in the "FOSS for Scientists" devroom. This presentation will discuss the need to recognize software as a primary material in science, and the current obstacles to this recognition. This will be illustrated by our experience with IPOL.
FOSS for Scientists devroom
"Software as Science" :
A maintenance operation is scheduled for Tuesday January 29th. During this operation, the demo service will be unavailable. This will impact every demo for every article and preprint. The operation will occur in in the early afternoon (Western European time) and will last for two hours.
update: As of 16:00 (Western European time), the maintenance operation is finished and the full service has been restored. It may take a few hours to propagate to the whole Internet.
IPOL board members will be at the SINTEF eVita winter school on escience "Reproducible Science And Modern Scientific Software", Jan 20-25, in Geilo, Norway.
IPOL will be at the workshop on "Reproducibility in Computational and Experimental Mathematics", Dec. 10-14, at ICERM, Brown Univ., Providence, USA.
workshop presentation and program
"thought piece" about IPOL
After two years of activity, the IPOL editorial board has been renewed. It is now composed of 36 members from 16 research institutions in 7 countries and 3 continents. for simplicitym the previous scientific committee and editorial board have been merged into a single body.
The IPOL Software Guidelines, first adopted in December 2012, have been updated. Among other changes, the new version clarifies the use of external libraries packaged with the software, the CC0 dedication is added to the list of allowed licenses, and the usage of OpenMP is precised.
An article in the Science and Technology blog of The Economist describes a recent SIIMS article about reconstruction of high-quality pictures of museum paintings from multiple shots at different exposures and points of view. A preprint about this work is now available in IPOL; source code and online demonstration will be added later.
A presentation of the IPOL experience on research software has been proposed and accepted for the First Workshop on Maintainable Software Practices in e-Science (SoftwarePractice2012), held during the 8th IEEE International Conference on eScience (eScience2012).
The workshop presentations will happen on October 9th. The workshop and conference are in Chicago, USA. The IPOL paper title is "IPOL: Reviewed Publication and Public Testing of Research Software", by Nicolas Limare, Laurent Oudre and Pascal Getreuer.
update : This presentation has been cancelled because of schedule conflicts.
update : The paper has been published in the IEEE Digital Library and a preprint version is available in the HAL open repository.
During the transition to PDF-based articles, the journal has been reorganized to provide an article index by research topic, in addition to the traditional chronological index. The current topics are: 3D, blur, calibration, color and contrast, demosaicking, denoising, image comparison, infrared, inpainting, interpolation, optical flow, PDE, segmentation and edges, and texture.
The IPOL policy and publication process has been updated to publish article manuscripts in PDF format. New instructions to authors replace the previous ones, with new manuscript guidelines. An editorial management system is now used instead of our previous procedure based on email.
Every new IPOL will be published in PDF. Past articles will gradually be converted, starting with 2012, and the original version will be retained.
Many tools and software environments coexist in the image processing field, and researchers need to know more about these software to make informed choices. IPOL and the CMLA image processing group organize a meeting on image processing libraries. This event aims at gathering information about the goal, history, design and current status of various active research projects oriented towards image processing code.
More information on the meeting page.
The "Publishing Reproducible Science and Software" workshop is organized during the 2012 SIAM Conference on Imaging Science in Philadelphia.
Reproducibility, the ability of an experiment or study to be independently and accurately reproduced or replicated, is gaining momentum as a desirable principle of the scientific method for computational sciences.
In order to become more common, this methodology needs so be implanted at the publication level with new contents, tools, criteria and journals. Software and data must become first-class scholarship, together with the traditional article content.
The symposium gathers four speakers with an experience in publishing reproducible research and building and managing systems for publishing reproducible research. They will present their experience and the recent developments, current issues and future perspectives of their respective projects.
Participants are
- Nicolas Limare (organizer), ENS Cachan, France:
Image Processing On Line: Experiences in Reproducible Science and Softwareslides
- Julien Jomier, Kitware, USA:
Open Science: When Open Source Meets Open Access - Cameron Neylon, Science and Technology Facilities Council, United
Open Research Computation: Supporting reproducible research through open source software - Patrick Vandewalle, ReproducibleResearch.org, USA:
Reproducible Research in Signal Processing: How to Increase Impact
workshop page @siam.org
SIAM IS12 Conference
Image Processing On Line
Open Research Computation
Kitware Insight Journal
Nicolas Limare will represent IPOL in the R4 meeting on reproducible research ("Rencontre de Réflexion autour de la Recherche Reproductible"), Thursday April 5th, at the Orleans University. Participation is free but registration is required.
Excerpt from the program:
Reproducibility in computational science now seems to capture everyone's attention. Considerations about the reliability of the numerical results published in scientific journals appear in diverse fields.
These efforts are essential to go beyond a credibility crisis in all disciplines where numerical results are important in the results published. No one today can guarantee the validity of most results presented at conferences and in research articles. Even the mature branches of science, despite their best efforts, sometimes suffer from problems of numerical errors affecting the final conclusions of the scientific literature. However, the traditional scientific publication alone does not determine the origin of these errors. This is why new standards of verifiability must be developed.
The objective of this first meeting is to compare points of view of scientific disciplines on the notion of reproducibility and identify various initiatives. Beyond the specific diagnosis for each discipline, it will identify some common issues and discuss solutions that can emerge around the concept of executable paper.
The 17th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2012 (http://www.ciarp.org/xvii/), will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 3 - 6, 2012, and is organized by the University of Buenos Aires (Argentine) and the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (SPAIN) and the Argentina Society for Pattern Recognition (SARP). This conference will be a forum for the exchange of scientific results and experiences, as well as the sharing of new knowledge, and the increasing of the co-operation between research groups in pattern recognition and related areas. Joint submissions to IPOL and to CIARP 2012 are permitted.
See the conference website for details.
IPOL is an Open Access journal. IPOL articles, codes and demos are available free of charge; the articles and codes are published under free licenses, and anyone is allowed to read, download, copy, and distribute them.
IPOL is now referenced in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), a leading initiative to label Open Access publications and increase their visibility. Future work on the design of the journal will make the policy is clearly displayed.
IPOL open access statement
IPOL copyright policy
IPOL record in DOAJ
BOAI Open Access definition
In order to clearly express what is expected from the implementation of IPOL algorithms, some software guidelines have been written and adopted by the editorial board ans scientific commitee.
The guidelines replace the previous implementation section of the submision manual. They are proposed for the articles already in review and enforced for the new articles.
The full text of the guidelines, version 1.00, is available at http://tools.ipol.im/wiki/ref/software_guidelines/. They detail all the requirements and recommendations, summarized hereafter:
- zip or tar/gzip archive
, less than 2 MB - everything into a
folder - file names with
- no hidden file, backup or useless file, no binary
- C89, C99 or C++98 code tested with
gcc -std=xxx -Wall -Wextra -Werror
- portable code, 32/64-bits, nothing specific to an operating system
- only
external libraries - compilation with
, only standard options,make
- command-line non-interactive interface
- max 1 GB memory, max 30 s computation in the demo environment
- can read/write in PNG, TIFF, PNM, EPS, SVG, VRML or PLY format
- copyright attribution and GPL/BSD license info in every source file
- patent warning if needed
essential information- correct, clean code in English
- max 80 characters per line, max 1000 lines per file
, algorithmic and auxiliary code in different files- detailed comments for every function and every implementation step
- example input data and result
IPOL implementations can be tested on an online guideline verification tool: http://tools.ipol.im/pkg/.
In the extension of the survey done in November 2011, authors were asked to explain why they were satisfied in their IPOL experience.
They cited the benefit of IPOL as a complete archive of all the materials related to an algorithm.
- “Being forced to wrap-up implementation in a usable and documented way is useful as a future self-reference (not forgetting what you made yourself), for teaching, for reference to other colleagues, and as a way to obtain feedback.”
- “It is a very convenient way to demonstrate my work without having to remember where my program is, its arguments, find appropriate images, etc. Associating a complete description with a fixed version of the algorithm avoids forgetting ‘what are the features and limitations of this version of the code?’.”
- “For the first time I have been able to show to my colleagues what I do, and exactly how I do it."
The web demonstration tools are useful to get a better understanding of the algorithms, for the authors and for the readers.
- “It’s easy to prove that the author’s algorithm works using the online demo. The online demo allows the public to understand better the algorithms.”
- “IPOL allows to make a lot of experiments and better understand the models.”
- "I have learned a lot from the archive of my article.”
The publication of the implementation is appreciated as an motivation to produce a better program.
- “It is an opportunity to write a complete and debugged code and this work is valued.”
- “Exposing the code to everybody makes me work harder to have source code I could be satisfied with and not stop at the ‘it works’ point.”
- “It drove me to change the way I will code for future publications.”
And by publishing in IPOL, the authors re-evaluate the importance and usefulness of academic papers.
- “It made me re-think the way results are shown, particularly from the visualization point of view. In addition, it made me also re-think what are the important contributions of a scientific publication, i.e. the value of re-publishing a previously published paper for instance.”
- “My work is more useful for the academic community than a normal paper.”
53 authors of IPOL articles, published or in process, were invited to answer a survey in November 2011. 22 answers were collected and analyzed, and a detailed report has been posted on the mailing-list.
Our conclusions are:
- the IPOL software requirements are not a serious obstacle for publication among the current authors;
- more work is needed to publish in IPOL than to publish elsewhere, mainly for the software part, but this doesn’t affect the author’s overall satisfaction;
- the priority must be a reform of the edition/submission process to accept LaTeX input and abandon the wiki-like model, but publishing the articles in PDF is not enough;
- IPOL needs to be actively inserted in academic publication databases.
The advantages and challenges of the IPOL model will be presented at the yearly meeting of the CNRS software group, September 29-30, in Toulouse.
More details on the JDEV website.
Archive: poster and presentation
Statistics from differents sources are merged in the report hereafter, about IPOL usage between 2010/09 and 2011/08. Like all web statistics, there are some approximations, but they can give an order of magnitude. Of course, algorithms and demonstrations on-line since more than one year ago are more likely to get good numbers. The demo pages are very partially included in these numbers.
During this year, www.ipol.im received 75.000 visits (200 visits/day). This is 4 times the number of visits received in 2009. Half of the visits came from returning visitors. One third of the visits were long visits, with more than one page read (demo pages not counted).
30% of the visits came from USA, 14% from France, 11% from China, 5% from Germany, 3% from Russia, then Spain, Japan, Taiwan, UK, Italy, India, Brazil, Korea, Belgium, Switzerland, ...
A list of more than 850 science, research and education institutions could be recognized in the network provenance of the IPOL visitors. There probably are some duplicate denominations, and some locations count for hundreds of visits while some others only generated one page view, but this list shows the visibility of IPOL in the research community.
Some visitors also came from prominent companies of the internet, media, graphics, electronics and publishing sector.
Algorithms and Downloads
The top 10 viewed algorithm pages were
- 22.000
- 12.000
- 10.000
- 8.000
- 5.500
- 5.000
- 5.000
- 2.500
- 2.500
- 2.500
4700 downloads (source code, programs and datasets) from IPOL were counted during this year. The top 10 files for unique downloads are
- 400
- 300
- 220
- 200
- 200
- 130
- 100
- 80
- 80
- 70
12000 experiences were performed on the demos with original images. The top 10 archives with new data during this year are
- 4.300
- 2.200
- 1.400
- 900
- 700
- 700
- 600
- 150
- 150
- 150
We now (september 2011) have about 100 demo executions per day, including 50 with original data.
The dominant browser families are:
- 44% Firefox
- 31% Chrome/Safari
- 20% Internet Explorer
94% of the browsers have Flash, 81% have a Java plug-in.
The main operating systems of our visitors are:
- 33% Windows XP
- 31% Windows 7
- 16% Linux
- 11% Mac OS
A presentation of IPOL will be held during the 2011 edition of the Libre Software Meeting in Strasbourg, July 11, in the "Sciences, research, education and popular education" track.
Details are available on the LSM website.
The demo services will be interrupted Friday, July 8th, for a maintenance operation. The interruption should last 2 hours from 10:00 AM, french time.
IPOL was presented during the ICCS conference in Singapore, for the Elsevier Executable Paper Grand Challenge.
The IPOL article is available in the conference proceedings (and preprint):
Nicolas Limare, Jean-Michel Morel, "The IPOL Initiative: Publishing and Testing Algorithms on Line for Reproducible Research in Image Processing", Procedia Computer Science, Volume 4, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2011, 2011, pages 716-725, ISSN 1877-0509, DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2011.04.075.
IPOL was at the 2011 SMAI congress with a poster and oral communication for the French applied math research community.
IPOL takes part in the Executable Paper Grand Challenge organised by Elsevier to improve the way scientific information is communicated and used. Our contribution did not make the final list but has been invited to for a presentation during the ICCS conference in June.
Due to a maintainance operation on the local network, the online demo part of IPOL will not be available on October 19th from 8:00 PM (Paris time) for 6 hours. The other components of IPOL won't be affected.
A mailing list has been created for all the discussions related to
IPOL discuss at list.ipol.im
All the informations about this list are on
its web page.
This list is open and public. Anyone can subscribe to the list, and all the subscribers can send messages. The list postings are publicly available in the web archive
To subscribe to this list, send a message to
discuss-subscribe at list.ipol.im
or use the form on
its web page.
Important step for IPOL as a journal, the first algorithm to go through the review process is published in IPOL:
Algebraic Lens Distortion Model Estimation, by Luis Alvarez, Luis Gomez and J. Rafael Sendra.
Some help is provided for the algorithm authors on a dedicated page, "Development Resources".
This includes some reusable simplified code to read and write common image formats, a task that seems to be the first obstacle when a portable implementation has to be written.
Some other formats should follow, and eventually the full source code of the IPOL online demonstration system, allowing IPOL authors to create their own demo pages.
update 2010-08-06: a portable high-quality pseudo-random number generator is proposed
IPOL as a journal was officially launched on April 27th, 2010, with Jean-Michel Morel as its first coordinating editor.
The editorial board is reviewing the first algorithms, according to the recently refined submission procedure.
The submission procedure for IPOL has been presented during the MISS meeting held on April 07, 2010, at CMLA, ENS Cachan.
The image curvature microscope has been presented during a seminar dedicated to Jean Serra and mathematical morphology.
The slides of the presentation are available online.
IPOL has been presented during the workshop on image processing trends and applications organised by the Fraunhofer Institute and University of Kaiserslautern.
The slides of the presentation are available online.
Due to a hardware failure, IPOL was unavailable during most of the day on February 08. The issue has been solved.
During the last year, while still in early development and tests, IPOL received 16.000 visits for a total of 80.000 pages viewed, and 5.500 experiments were run on custom images by the visitors and archived (see for example asift or lsd).
During this year, IPOL usage has been continuously growing
and IPOL hosts 9 algorithm descriptions and 10 on line
demonstrations as of december 2009.
The source codes, programs and datasets have been downloaded from more than 50 research institutions.
- Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Tecnicas de Guipuzcoa
- China Education and Research Network
- China Science & Technology Network
- Chung-Ang University
- Commission of the European Communities Joint Research Centre
- Curtin University of Technology
- Democritus University of Thrace
- École de Technologie Supérieure de Montreal
- École Nationale Supérieure des Ingénieurs du Génie Chimique
- École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications
- École Normale Supérieure de Cachan
- École Polytechnique
- Fundacio Barcelona Media - Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Greek Research & Technology Network
- Hangyang University
- Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
- Institutes and universities in Manar, Manouba, Sousse, Monastir, Sfax, Gabes
- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- McGill University
- Ministry of Education Computer Center Taiwan
- Ministry of University Affairs Thailand
- Moscow State University
- National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Japan
- National Taiwan University
- North Dakota State University Computer Center
- Pohang University of Science and Technology
- Seoul National University
- Shanghai Jiaotong University
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
- Texas A&M University
- The University of Hong Kong
- University Of Kerman
- Universidad de Vigo
- Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
- Universita degli Studi di Trieste
- Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen; Rechenzentrum
- Universitaet Karlsruhe
- Universitat Jaume I
- Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Université de Bordeaux
- Université de La Rochelle
- Université de Strasbourg
- Université Paris 13
- Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
- University of California, Los Angeles
- University of Cape Town
- University of Kaiserslautern
- University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
- University of Southern California
- Xi'An xi gong da University network center
- Zhejiang university
- …
After one year of tests, we are now moving IPOL to its final location, http://www.ipol.im/. Meanwhile, you can still browse the original pages.
update 2010/03/12 : All the algorithm pages are now hosted on http://www.ipol.im/. The next step is the migration and upgrade of the demonstration system.
IPOL has been presented at the CMLA seminar.
The slides are available on line. Among other things, they include details about the goals and means of the project, and usage statistics over one year of prototype testing.
Use the ← → arrow keys to navigate between the pages of the presentation.
update : It appears that the slides are not displayed properly in WebKit Browsers (Chrome, Safari, Epiphany). We will try to fix it.
An early version of IPOL has been presented this year at the ONR Workshop in the university of Minnessota.