Volume 4 — 2014
- Cartoon + Texture Image Decomposition by the TV-L1 Model
- An Analysis of the Viola-Jones Face Detection Algorithm
- Implementation of the Centroid Method for the Correction of Turbulence
- Automatic Lens Distortion Correction Using One-Parameter Division Models
- Multiscale Retinex
- Parameter-Free Fast Pixelwise Non-Local Means Denoising
- Integral Images for Block Matching
- Digital Level Layers for Digital Curve Decomposition and Vectorization
- A Streaming Distance Transform Algorithm for Neighborhood-Sequence Distances
- A Near-Linear Time Guaranteed Algorithm for Digital Curve Simplification Under the Fréchet Distance
- Interactive Segmentation Based on Component-trees
- Extraction of Connected Region Boundary in Multidimensional Images
- Meaningful Scales Detection: an Unsupervised Noise Detection Algorithm for Digital Contours
- Stereo Disparity through Cost Aggregation with Guided Filter
- The Heeger & Bergen Pyramid Based Texture Synthesis Algorithm
- An Analysis and Implementation of a Parallel Ball Pivoting Algorithm
- Anatomy of the SIFT Method
- Screened Poisson Equation for Image Contrast Enhancement
- An Analysis and Improvement of the BLS-GSM Denoising Method
- Kolmogorov and Zabih’s Graph Cuts Stereo Matching Algorithm
- Implementation of Nonlocal Pansharpening Image Fusion
Volume 3 — 2013
- Implementation of the "Non-Local Bayes" (NL-Bayes) Image Denoising Algorithm
- Horn-Schunck Optical Flow with a Multi-Scale Strategy
- Robust Optical Flow Estimation
- TV-L1 Optical Flow Estimation
- Combined First and Second Order Total Variation Inpainting using Split Bregman
- Selective Contrast Adjustment by Poisson Equation
- Analysis and Extension of the Ponomarenko et al. Method, Estimating a Noise Curve from a Single Image
- Mao-Gilles Algorithm for Turbulence Stabilization
- The Implementation of SURE Guided Piecewise Linear Image Denoising
- A Finite Difference Scheme for the Stack Filter Simulating the MCM
- E-PLE: an Algorithm for Image Inpainting
- Exemplar-based Texture Synthesis: the Efros-Leung Algorithm
- Chambolle's Projection Algorithm for Total Variation Denoising
- Recovering the Subpixel PSF from Two Photographs at Different Distances
- A Survey of Gaussian Convolution Algorithms
- Analysis and Extension of the Percentile Method, Estimating a Noise Curve from a Single Image
Volume 2 — 2012
- A Real Time Morphological Snakes Algorithm
- Non-parametric Sub-pixel Local Point Spread Function Estimation
- Automatic Color Enhancement (ACE) and its Fast Implementation
- Chan-Vese Segmentation
- Image Demosaicking with Contour Stencils
- Rudin-Osher-Fatemi Total Variation Denoising using Split Bregman
- Total Variation Deconvolution using Split Bregman
- Total Variation Inpainting using Split Bregman
- LSD: a Line Segment Detector
- Non-uniformity Correction of Infrared Images by Midway Equalization
- An Analysis and Implementation of the BM3D Image Denoising Method
- An Implementation and Detailed Analysis of the K-SVD Image Denoising Algorithm
- Color and Contrast Enhancement by Controlled Piecewise Affine Histogram Equalization
- Automatic Homographic Registration of a Pair of Images, with A Contrario Elimination of Outliers
- The Flutter Shutter Camera Simulator
Volume 1 — 2011
- Algebraic Lens Distortion Model Estimation
- Non-Local Means Denoising
- Self-similarity Driven Demosaicking
- Image Color Cube Dimensional Filtering and Visualization
- Cartoon+Texture Image Decomposition
- Finite Difference Schemes for MCM and AMSS
- Farman Institute 3D Point Sets - High Precision 3D Data Sets
- Gunturk-Altunbasak-Mersereau Alternating Projections Image Demosaicking
- Image Interpolation with Geometric Contour Stencils
- Image Interpolation with Contour Stencils
- Linear Methods for Image Interpolation
- Malvar-He-Cutler Linear Image Demosaicking
- Roussos-Maragos Tensor-Driven Diffusion for Image Interpolation
- Zhang-Wu Directional LMMSE Image Demosaicking
- Micro-Texture Synthesis by Phase Randomization
- Local Color Correction
- Simplest Color Balance
- Retinex Poisson Equation: a Model for Color Perception
- Quasi-Euclidean Epipolar Rectification
- ASIFT: An Algorithm for Fully Affine Invariant Comparison
- DCT Image Denoising: a Simple and Effective Image Denoising Algorithm
- Fixed Pattern Noise Reduction: Temporal High Pass Filter
- Thin-plate Splines on the Sphere for Interpolation, Computing Global Averages, and Solving Inverse Problems
- An implementation of 'Efficient Multi-Stage Video Denoising Method' and some variants
- Experimental Improvements of Global Optimization Algorithms for Lipschitz Functions
- Termite Retinex
- A Closed Form Solution to Natural Image Matting
- SiamTE: Siamese Trace Erasing for Camera Trace Extraction
Series and Special Issues
About IPOL
- IPOL Presented at the ONR Annual Workshop
- IPOL Project Presented at the CMLA Seminar
- IPOL Moves to its Final Environment
- IPOL Usage Statistics for 2009
- IPOL Temporarily Unavailable
- IPOL Presented at the Fraunhofer Institute
- Image Curvature Microscope Presentation
- IPOL Process Presented During the MISS Meeting
- Official Launching of the IPOL Journal
- Development Resources
- First IPOL Article
- Discussion Mailing List
- Partial Service Interruption
- IPOL in the Executable Paper Grand Challenge
- IPOL Poster and Oral Communication at the SMAI 2011 Congress
- IPOL Presentation and Article at the ICCS 2011 Conference
- Temporary Interruption of the Demo Service
- IPOL Presentation at the Libre Software Meeting 2011
- IPOL Usage Report for 2010/09 - 2011/08
- IPOL Presentation at JDEV 2011 Meeting
- Author Survey 2011
- Author Satisfaction Feedback
- Software Guidelines 1.00
- IPOL is an Open Access journal
- Joint submissions to the 17h Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition and to IPOL
- R4 Meeting on Reproducible Research, Orleans
- SIAM IS12 Workshop: Publishing Reproducible Science and Software
- IPOL 2012 Meeting on Image Processing Libraries
- IPOL Articles Move to PDF Format
- IPOL Reorganized by Topics
- IPOL at eScience 2012 [CANCELLED]
- Pictures at an Exhibition: the IPOL paper
- Updated Software Guidelines
- Renewed Editorial Board
- IPOL at the Workshop on Reproducibility in Computational and Experimental Mathematics
- IPOL at the SINTEF eVITA winter school on eScience
- Maintenance Operation on the Demo Service [CLOSED]
- IPOL at FOSDEM: Software as Science
- IPOL at the So Data! Conference on Open Science Data
- IPOL at the Beyond the PDF 2 Conference
- Planned Service Interruption [CLOSED]
- IPOL at the Oxford Future of Science Conference
- IPOL Presentation at Universidad de la República Montevideo
- IPOL Presentation at FCFM University of Chile
- Planned Service Interruption [CLOSED]
- Demo Service Unavailable [CLOSED]
- IPOL at the SMAI 2013 Congress
- IPOL at NYU Workshops on Reproducibility in Science
- Workshop on Reproducible Research in Signal, Image and Geometric Processing
- IPOL at FReDoc 2013 Meeting
- IPOL at the SMAI 30th Anniversary Meeting
- IPOL at the LIRIS Seminar
- GSL and Eigen Libraries in IPOL
- IPOL at the LORIA Geometry Workshop
- IPOL at the STEF ICT Seminar
- IPOL at 7th Farman Day Conferences
- Demo Service Interruption [CLOSED]
- Call for Papers: Special Issue on Lens Distortion Models
- IPOL and Satellite Stereo at UPF DTIC Research Seminar
- ISIS Meeting on Reproducibility in Image and Software Processing
- Editorial Committee Meeting
- IPOL at Saclay E-learning Forum
- IPOL and Free Software at ENSG
- IPOL and Research Data at GFII Meeting
- Fresh and Early Research: IPOL Workshops
- IPOL at 8th Saclay CSIS Meeting
- Training Session on Web Demos at RFIA Congress
- IPOL at ICM 2014
- IPOL accepts Matlab code
- IPOL is now indexed by DBLP
- IPOL at the RCBR Workshop of NTMS 2015
- IPOL will be at the Workshop on Reproducible Research on Pattern Recognition
- IPOL indexation in DOAJ
- IPOL will be indexed in SCOPUS
- IPOL indexed in SCOPUS
- Software Guidelines 1.04
- Submission Procedure