The IPOL group organizes a workshop from July 22 to 27, 2013, at Fondation des Treilles, on Reproducible Research in Signal, Image and Geometric Processing.
The meeting will gather representatives of groups leading various initiatives toward reproducible research in those fields, by fostering online execution of research code, peer review evaluation of algorithms and code, and experimental data sharing.
Among these initiatives,
- Runmycode publishes online executable code with a main current focus in finance and econometrics, but with a call to extend the procedure to all applied science code.
- IPOL is an online journal publishing image processing and geometric processing reproducible papers. Each paper consists of an algorithm description, a code, an online execution facility and an experimental archive.
- SPOL (Signal Processing On Line), is an initiative with similar goals for signal processing.
These recent initiatives have permitted to gain insights and expertise into the technical challenges and possibilities of online reproducible research. Building on these experiences and contrasting their advantages and drawbacks, the goal of the workshop is to solve the various editorial, scientific and technical problems that arise from this new kind of publication.
The workshop should establish strong personal and institutional links, and advance on the technical issues: software, libraries, online execution, journal strategy, journal formatting, relation to community, institutional support, perennity. In particular subgroups will have to debate and report to the others on the following questions:
- which scientific content can/should be published and how
- benefits and drawbacks of publishing executable software, obstacles and incentives for authors
- how to review, verify and validate software
- which software is suited to publication and online execution
- conception and standardization of online execution interfaces
- challenges and solutions for data formats and interfaces such as video, multi-images, sound, 3D point cloud and volumes
- long term management issues: growth, funding, archival
- obstacles beyond science and technique: recognition and valorisation, cultural habits and institutional policies, legal constraints (copyright and patents)
- relations with scientific organizations, publishers, preprint/software/data repositories, and other reproducible research initiatives
Preliminary planning, as of 2013-07-12: 20130722 program.pdf.
- Nicolas Limare, ENS Cachan, Cachan, FR
- Pascal Monasse, Ponts ParisTech, Marnes-la-Vallée
- Jean-Michel Morel, ENS Cachan, Cachan, FR
- Guillermo Sapiro, Duke Univ., Durham, US
- Luis Alvarez, Univ. Las Palmas Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, ES
- Pablo Arias, Univ. Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, ES
- Juan Cardelino, Univ. de la Rep., Montevideo, UY
- Miguel Colom, Univ. Illes Balears, Palma, ES
- Mauricio Delbracio, ENS Cachan, Cachan, FR
- Gabriele Facciolo, ENS Cachan, Cachan, FR
- Rafael Grompone, ENS Cachan, Cachan, FR
- Bertrand Kerautret, Univ. de Lorraine, Nancy, FR
- Daniel Kondermann, Heidelberg Univ., Heidelberg, DE
- Nicolas Limare, ENS Cachan, Cachan, FR
- Jose-Luis Lisani, Univ. Illes Balears, Palma, ES
- Enric Meinhardt-Llopis, ENS Cachan, Cachan, FR
- Sheila Miguez, RunMyCode, New York, US
- Jean-Michel Morel, ENS Cachan, Cachan, FR
- Laurent Oudre, ENS Cachan, Cachan, FR
- Benoit Petitpas, Télécom ParisTech, Paris, FR
- Agustion Salgado, Univ. Las Palmas Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, ES
- Haldo Sponton, Univ. de la Rep., Montevideo, UY
- Victoria Stodden, Columbia Univ., New York, US
- Eva Theumann, ENS Cachan, Cachan, FR
Registration for the workshop is closed.
Location and Transportation
The workshop itself will be held from July 23 to 26, at Les Treilles, (100km from Nice, France, map). Participants must arrive on July 22 (monday) and leave on July 27 (saturday).
Transfer from the workshop location is organized by the foundation and will be available from the Nice Airport (map) (30min) and from the "Les Arcs - Draguignan" train station (map) (30min). Workshop participants should arrive at the airport or train station on Monday 22 afternoon (morning transfer is also possible at the airport, but only for people coming from out of Europe) and should plan their departure on Saturday 27.