Many tools and software environments coexist in the image processing field, and researchers need to know more about these software to make informed choices. IPOL and the CMLA image processing group organize a meeting on image processing libraries. This event aims at gathering information about the goal, history, design and current status of various active research projects oriented towards image processing code.
June 27th (Wed), 10:00 - 18:00
ENS Cachan, Cachan (access map) Pavillon des Jardins (campus map)
Participation is free, lunch and coffee break included.
Registration required by mail before June 20th
ToolIP | Ali Moghiseh & Andreas Jablonski | Fraunhofer ITWM | doc | slides | audio |
Population | Vincent Tariel | Shinoe | doc | slides | audio |
Charon | Jens-Malte Gottfried | Univ. Heidelberg | doc | slides | audio |
Morph-M | Serge Koudoro | CMM/Mines | doc | slides | audio |
Yayi | Raffi Enficiaud | doc | slides | audio | |
DGtal | David Coeurjolly | LIRIS/CNRS | doc | slides | audio |
Megawave | Jacques Froment | LMBA/Univ. Bretagne Sud | doc | slides | audio |
Qgar | Philippe Dosch | LORIA | doc | slides | audio |
Pink | Michel Couprie | ESIEE | doc | slides | audio |
Milena | Thierry Geraud | LRDE/EPITA | doc | slides | audio |
CImg | David Tschumperlé | GREYC/ENSICAEN | doc | slides | audio |
Vigra | Ullrich Köthe | Univ. Heidelberg | doc | slides | audio |
OTB | Manuel Grizonnet | CNES | doc | slides | audio |
This meeting is supported by the Fondation Mathématiques Jacques Hadamard and ENS Cachan.
- 2012-06-25: the Mamba presentation is cancelled and replaced by ToolIP
- 2012-06-26: the final program is available
- 2012-06-28: additional documentation is available for every presentation
- 2012-07-11: audio and most of the slides are available
- 2012-07-26: last slides are available