- published
- 2012-05-19
- reference
- Marc Lebrun, and Arthur Leclaire, An Implementation and Detailed Analysis of the K-SVD Image Denoising Algorithm, Image Processing On Line, 2 (2012), pp. 96–133. https://doi.org/10.5201/ipol.2012.llm-ksvd
Communicated by Jean-Michel Morel
Demo edited by Miguel Colom
K-SVD is a signal representation method which, from a set of signals, can derive a dictionary able to approximate each signal with a sparse combination of the atoms. This paper focuses on the K-SVD-based image denoising algorithm. The implementation is described in detail and its parameters are analyzed and varied to come up with a reliable implementation.
- full text manuscript: PDF low-res. (2.7M) PDF (19M) [?]
- source code: TAR/GZ
- this article was converted to PDF on 2012-07-02
- the original version was published on 2012-05-19: manuscript, source code
- the source code was modified on 2021-02-05 to include the possibility to denoise with the given STD parameter without re-noising the input image. The original version of the code is available here
- the README file of the source code was updated on 2021-02-20. The previous version of the code is available here
- Note from the editor: the manuscript of the article was modified on 2022-01-01 to include information about its editors. The original version of the manuscript is available here.